Bookkeepers vs. Accountants

With exception to folks who work directly in the finance industry, most people have no idea what the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant is. "Aren't they one in [...]

Bookkeepers vs. Accountants2018-01-27T06:11:04-08:00

What are Financial Statements?

More often than not, the terms 'Financial Statements' and 'P&L' get thrown around capriciously by finance professionals with the assumption that everyone knows what they're talking about. As a business owner, if [...]

What are Financial Statements?2018-01-19T17:42:10-08:00

Xero vs. Quickbooks Online

WHICH ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE SHOULD I USE? Your business is up and running. Expenses are flowing day in and day out. But how do you keep track? Perhaps you are [...]

Xero vs. Quickbooks Online2018-01-27T06:11:36-08:00

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